Fokker Dr.1

The Fokker Dr1 is one of the most legendary fighter aircraft in the world, Dutch aircraft builder Anthony Fokker emigrated to Germany before the first world war to try his luck in the aviation industry.

When the war broke out he started to build fighters for the German luftwaffe, one of them was the famouse ‘tri-decker’ Dr1. Famous because the worlds first ‘ace’ Baron Manfred von Richthoven flew it.


Developing Nation: Germany
Manufacturer/Designer: Fokker (Anthony Fokker born Dutch)
Task: Fighter
First Flight: May 1917 as Fokker V4
First Delivery: August 1917
First Operational: October 1917
Crew: 1
Wing Span: 7,19 m
Wing Area: 18,66 m²
Length: 5,77 m
Height: 2,95 m
Engine (s): Oberursel UR II rotary engine (110 hp), it was a copy of the French LeRhone type. (von Richthofen)
Weight: 406 kg
Max. Take off weight: 586 kg
Max. Speed: – 185 km/h at sea level
– 165 km/h at 4000 m
Max. Range: 300 km
Weapons: 2x 7,92 mm LMG 08/15 machine guns

Operators of the (Fokker Dr1)

Germany Fliegertruppen (320)
Austria-Hungary (2 V7’s)
Austro-Hungarian MAG concern (1)

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