The Gripen had to take over the tactical tasks of the Viggen stated in it’s name JAS=Jakt-Attack-Spaning (Swedish for: Fighter-Attack-Reconnaissance) The Gripen is a true multirole aircraft.
Developing nation:
- Sweden.
- SAAB Defence and Security.
Type aircraft:
- Multirole fighter.
First flights:
- December 1988 (first prototype).
- May 1990 (Second prototype).
Production aircraft:
- First production aircraft delivery: June 1993 to the Swedish Air Force
- First operational: June 1996 with Skaraborg Wing on Såtenäs AFB.
Produced versions:
- JAS39A: (Attack) fighter version introduced in 1996 in the Swedish AF
- JAS39B: (Biplane) Swedish two seats / trainer version
- JAS39C: (Compatible) Standard NATO Gripen
- JAS39D: (Double) two seats JAS39C trainer version
- JAS39E/F: (Extended/Future) development version with improved engine, avionics, armament and fuel capacity.
- JAS39NG: (Next Generation) The new operational version of the E and F types
- Saab-JAS-39C-Gripen-39273-Swedish-AF
- Såtenäs AFB – 3 AJ (Attack-Jakt) squadrons from 1998
- Ängelholm – 2 SF (Spaning) en 1 AJ squadron from 2001
- Kallinge – 2 AJ squadrons from 2002
- Luleå – 1 AJ squadron from 2001
Operational other countries:
- Czech republic (from 2004)
- Hungary (from 2001)
- South Africa (from 1999)
- Thailand (from 2007)
- Croatia decided in 2008 to replace their old MiG-21 with Gripen’s
Other potential buyers:
- Denmark
- Switzerland
- Romania
- India
- Bulgaria
- Chili
- Brazil
Number built:
- From 2006 125 Gripen’s are operational
- 250-300 aircraft have been ordered or set as an option
- 6 Rb74 (Swedish version of AIM-9 Sidewinder) or Rb98 (Swedish version of German IRIS-T) air to air missiles
- 4 Rb99 (Swedish version of AIM-120 AMRAAM) or Rb71 (Swedish version of English Skyflash) or Meteor (still in development) air to air missiles.
- 4 Rb75 Air to Ground (Swedish AGM-65 Maverick licence built)
- 2 KEPD 350 Swedish/German developed cruise missile
- 2 Rbs15 anti-ship missile Swedish design
- 4 pod’s with unguided missiles
- 4 LGB Laser Guided Bomb, American invention, standard NATO
- 2 BK 90 Cluster bombs
- 1x Mauser BK27 Cannon
- Length: 14,1 m.
- Hight: 4,5 m.
- Wing Span: 8,4 m.
- Wing area: 25,5 m²
- Empty: 6620 kg.
- Takeoff: 8720 kg.
- Max. weight: 14000 kg.
- 1x RM12 Volvo Aero turbofan
- 54 kN without afterburner
- 80 kN with afterburner
- Speed: Mach 2+
- Range: 12000 Km.
- Service ceiling: 15000 m.