A glider built by the German company Lange equipped with an electro motor on fuel cell’s in cooperation with Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt.
General characteristics:
- Crew: 1
- Wingspan: 20 M
- Wing area: 12,6 M2
- Length fuselage: 7,4 M
- Length POD: 2,87 M
- Section POD: 0,6 M
- Empty weight: 460 Kg.
- Fuel Cell’s weight: 60 Kg.
- Operation temperature: -45 C. to 40 C.
- Max. weight: 825 Kg. (>900 Kg. in 4 POD version)
- Max. load Fuel Cell’s: about 33 kW (45 kW in 4 POD version)
- Continuous power Fuel Cell’s: 30 kW
- Max. speed: 170 km/h
- Range: 750 Km. (2000 Km. in 4 POD version)
- Ceiling: 4000 M
- Max. climbing rate: 2,5 M/second
- Total efficiency of the drive: about 50%