Dassault Dornier Alpha Jet

Dassault-Dornier Alpha Jet E Patroulle de France 60 years French AF
Dassault-Dornier Alpha Jet E Patroulle de France 60 years French AF
The Dassault Dornier Alpha Jet is a French / German jet trainer and strike aircraft. The French version is a trainer, and the German version primarily a strike aircraft. The Alpha Jet is a twin engine aircraft with a high-site, moderately wing.

German Alpha Jets are flown almost exclusively as single-seat close support weapons trainer, or battlefield reconnaissance aircraft. Weapons load and avionics do not match those of more advanced jets, but the Alpha Jet is maneuverable, easy to fly and simple to maintain. It’s equipment allows it to obtain great efficiency when planning and executing missions.

The Head Up Display (HUD) saves the pilot from looking down in the cockpit to read the instruments, by superimposing data on a clear plate mounted at the pilot’s eye level.

The navigation and fire control computers are rather precise and permit a great flexibility on attack missions, the use of AFA computer makes it simpler, quicker and more efficient to plan a mission. There is also other equipment that allows the crew members to have a good combat survivability.

NB. The Alpha Jet A has a ‘sharper nose’ then the Alpha Jet E

Developing Nation: France and Germany
Task: Trainer / strike and close support
First Flight: – Alpha Jet A: January 9th 1974 (D-9594)
– Alpha Jet E: October 26th 1973 (F-WZRO)
Prototypes: – Alpha Jet A:02/D-9594 (ff: January 9th 1974)
04/D-9595 (ff: October 11th 1974 crashed 23 January 1976)
– Alpha Jet E:
F-WZRO (ff: October 26th 1973)
F-WZRV (ff: May 6th 1974 )
First Delivery: – French Air Force: May 4th 1979- Luftwaffe: March 20th 1980
Crew: 2
Ejection seat:  
Wing Span: 9,11 m
Length: – Alpha Jet A: 13,23 m
– Alpha Jet E: 12,29 m
Engine (s): – Alpha Jet A: GRTS (SNECMA Turbomeca) Lazarc 04-C20 (2x)
– Alpha Jet E: GRTS (SNECMA Turbomeca) Lazarc 04-C6 (2x)
Weight: 3515 kg
Max.Take off weight: 6100 kg
Max. Speed: 917 km/h
Max. Range: – Just on internal fuel: 2780 km (1900 liters)
– With extra external fuel: 4000 km (extra 600 liters)
Operation altitude: 14630 m
Weapons: – Mauser BK.27 cannon or DEFA 553 gun-pod- AIM-9 Sidewinder
– R.550 Magic II- AGM-65 Maverick
– GP Bombs
– Hunting BL755 cluster bombs
-Matra RL F4
– Rockets & Bomb rack SUU 20A
– BLG-66 Belouga
– Bombs MK82 ‘Snake Eye’
– Exercise bombs MK106
– Bombs BLU-1CB

Countries who use(d) the Alpha Jet:

Belgium 33 Alpha Jet E
Cameroon 7 Alpha Jet MS2
Egypt 30 Alpha Jet MS1 & 15 MS2
France 175 Alpha Jet E
Germany 175 Alpha Jet A
Ivory coast 12 Alpha Jet E
Maroc 24 Alpha Jet E
Nigeria 24 Alpha Jet E
Portugal 50 Alpha Jet A **
Qatar 6 Alpha Jet E
Thailand 20 Alpha Jet A **
Togo 5 Alpha Jet E
United Kingdom 12 Alpha Jet A **
** Ex German Air Force







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