Aerospatiale/British Aerospace Concorde

Aerospatiale joined with British Aerospace to create supersonic transport (SST) Concorde airliner, the first example of which flew on March 2, 1969. The development costs of the Concorde were so great that they could never be recovered from operations, so, for reasons of national prestige, they were simply written off. The Concorde flew regular transatlantic flights from London Heathrow (British Airways) and Paris Charles de Gaulle (Air France) to New York JFK and Washington Dulles, but its noise and operating expense limited its service. With only 20 aircraft ultimately built, and 14 went into service.

On 25 July 2000 an Air France Concorde (F-BTSC) crashed in Gonesse, France, in take-off from Charles de Gaulle Airport. All 100 passengers and nine crew on board the flight, as well as four people on the ground, were killed.

Operations ceased on 24 October 2003. The last “retirement” flight occurred on 26 November that year. The Concorde proved a technical miracle but an economic disaster.

Developing Nation: France, United Kingdom
First Flight: #001: March 2,1969.
#002: April 9, 1969,
First Supersonic: #001: October 1, 1969,
First Delivery: December 19, 1975 Air France F-BVFA.
January 14, 1976 British Airways G-BOAA.
First Operational Passenger Flight: January 21, 1976, BA London – Bahrain,
AF Paris – Rio de Janeiro.
Crew: 3 plus 3 cabin-crew.
Wing Span: 26,60 m.
Wing Area: 358,25 m².
Length: 61,66 m.
Height: 12,20 m.
Engine(s): 4 Rolls Royce/SNECAM Olympus 593 Mark 610 turbojet engines, static thrust with afterburn at sea level: 169,2 kN thrust at Mach 2: 44,6 kN at 16,15 Km altitude.
Weight: Without fuel: 92.080 Kg.
Max. payload: 13.150 Kg.
Max. Take off weight: Max. take off: 185.070 Kg.
Max. Landing weight: Max. landing: 111.130 Kg.
Cruise Speed: Mach 2.02.
Max. Speed: Mach 2,04  at 15.640 m.
Operating altitude: 15.390 m.
Max. Range: 6.582 Km.
Passengers: max. 144 normal 128.
Extra: Concorde went out of service in 2003.
(Air France 31 May 2003, British Airways 24 October 2003).

Concorde was in use by:

 Air France
British Airways

Concorde was leased by:

 Braniff leased 5 Air France and 5 British Airways Concorde’s
 One Singapore Airlines Concorde flies together with British Airways

Where are the Concorde’s:

c/n : Registration:  Location:
01 G-AXDN  Aviation Museum Duxford, UK.
02 F-WTSA  Musée Delta, Paris-Orly, France.
001 F-WTSS  Musée de L’Air Paris-Le Bourget, France.
002 G-BSST  Fleet Air Arm Museum Yeovilton, UK.
201 F-WTSB  Airbus Toulouse, France.
202 G-BBDG  In a Hangar at Filton, UK.
203 F-BTSC  Crashed July 25, 2000 Gonesse, France.
204 G-BOAC  Manchester Viewing Park, UK.
205 F-BVFA  Smithsonian, Washington-Dulles IAP,  USA.
206 G-BOAA  Scottish Museum of Flight Edinburgh, UK.
207 F-BVFB  Technik Museum Sinsheim, Germany.
208 G-BOAB  London-Heathrow, UK.
209 F-BVFC  Toulouse, France.
210 G-BOAD  USS Intrepid Museum, New York, USA.
211 F-BVFD  spare parts.
212 G-BOAE  Museum of Flight, Seattle, USA.
213 F-BTSD  Musee de L’Air Paris-Le Bourget, France.
214 G-BOAG  Grantly Adams Airport, Barbados.
215 F-BVFF  Paris-Charles de Gaulle, France.
216 G-BOAF  Airbus UK/Bristol Aero Collection Filton, UK.

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