Airbus A320

Prototype of the Airbus A320 family F-WWAI at Paris-Le Bourget.
Prototype of the Airbus A320 family F-WWAI at Paris-Le Bourget.
The Airbus A320 is the basis for a whole family of airliners, now including the A318, A319 and A321.The A320 was the first narrow body airliner from Airbus. It was designed with a maximum of new technology incorporated, like

  • Fly-by wire control system, first in subsonic airliners.
  • Extensive use of composite materials.
  • Two-crew cockpit with side stick controllers.

The Airbus A320 program was launched on March 23, 1984. Four aircraft were involved in the flight test program. The first made its maiden flight on February 22, 1987 from Toulouse. Certification of the Airbus A320-100 was achieved on  February, 26 1988. Deliveries commenced on March 26, 1988, to Air France. British Airways followed on March 31st .
The A320-200, which is now the standard version, was certified on November 8, 1988. The US FAA approved both variants on December 15, 1988. The V2500 power plant option was first flight tested on July 28, 1988, and this engine was approved on the A320 on April 20, 1989. Deliveries began in May 1989 to Adria Airways. The 500th A320 was handed over on January 20,  1995, to United Airlines.

The stretched A321 and shortened A319 and A318 are described separately. All four share a common pilot type rating.

Developing nation: Europe
Manufacturer/designer: EADS – Airbus Industries.
Production line: Toulouse – Blagnac, France.
Type aircraft: Short to medium range airliner.
First flight: February 22, 1987. F-WWAI.
First delivery: March 26, 1988, to Air France.
  Airbus A320-200
Cockpit crew: Two pilots and a flight engineer.
Passengers single class: 164.
Passengers two class: – 12 business class.
– 138 economy class.
Cabin length: 27,50 m.
Cabin diameter: 3,70 m.
Cabin height: 2,22 m.
Cargo volume: – Under floor 37,42 m³.
LD3 Containers in belly: 7.
Wing span: 34,09 m.
Wing area: 122,6 m².
Wing sweep: 25 degrees.
Fuselage length: 37,57 m.
Fuselage diameter: 3,96 m.
Height: 11,76 m.
Wheelbase: 12,65 m.
Track: 7,59 m.
Engines: – Two CFM International CFM56-5A1 rated 111.2 kN.
-Two CFM International CFM56-5A3 rated 117.88 kN.- Two CFM International CFM56-5B4 rated 117.9 kN.-Two International Aero Engines V2500-A1 rated 111.2 kN.- Two International Aero Engines V2527-A5 rated 117.9 kN.
Weight: – Empty: 42.200 Kg.
– max. zero-fuel weight: 62.605 Kg.
– Fuel: 18.806 Kg.
– Max. payload: 19.093 Kg.
Max. take off weight: 77.020 Kg.
Max. landing weight: 65.999 Kg.
Cruise speed: 833 km/h.
Max. speed: 926 km/h.
Max. ceiling: 11.887 m.
Max. range: 6.797 km.

Airbus A320 production:

Airbus A320 built 1326, active 1295, on order 73, stored 20 and written off 11 at October 2004 .

Airbus A320 built of each type:
21 – A320-111 CFM56-5A1 Engines.
310 – A320-211 CFM56-5A1 Engines.
65 – A320-212 CFM56-5A3 Engines.
371 – A320-214 CFM56-5B4 Engines.
138 – A320-231 IAE V2500-A1 Engines.
439 – A320-232 IAE V2527-A5 Engines.
55 – A320- 233 IAE V2527-A5 Engines.

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