Caudron-Renault CR760

Caudron JN 760 C1, a replica, powered by a SNECMA 12 T engine. built in 1999 by Jean Noan.
Caudron JN 760 C1, a replica, powered by a SNECMA 12 T engine. built in 1999 by Jean Noan.

The CR760 was first presented as the C 715 by Marcel Riffard in 1937, originally intended to be powered by a new Renault 16 cylinder air cooled engine that was being developed. Because the new Renault was not available yet at the time the design team decided to replace it for a similar engine from Isotta-Fraschini.

The fuselage of the CR760 was formed as a welded steel tube, with a two spar wooden wing with stressed plywood skinning. The first test flight was made early in May 1940, but the prototype had to be destroyed in June of the same year to prevent the Germans to get hold of it.

Developing Nation: France
Manufacturer/designer: Caudron-Renault / Marcel Riffard
Task: Lightweight fighter
First Flight: early May 1940
First Delivery:
First Operational:
Crew: 1
Caudron-Renault CR760
Wing Span: 8,97 m
Wing Area: 12,50 m²
Length: 8,89 m
Height: 2,90 m
Engine (s): 12 cylinder iverted-Vee Isotta-Fraschini Delta R.C.40 with 730 hp (air-cooled line-engine
Weight: 1548 kg
Max. Take off weight: 2000 kg
Max. Speed: 555 Kph at 4900 m
Max. Range: 1200 km
Weapons: 6x 7,5 mm MAC 1934 M 39 Machineguns in underwing trays.
Extra: The prototype was destroyed at Orleans-Bricy on June 11th 1940 to prevent it falling into German hands.

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