English Electra Aircraft Canberra Mk17

English Electric Canberra PR9 G-OMHD RAF colors

Desinged by William Petter of English Electric Aircraft.

One of the last versions of the venerable English Electric Canberra which was is service with the RAF, the Canberra Mk 17. The last Canberra’s flew with 360 squadron at AFB Wyton where they performed training-flights for electronic warfare, the job that the Canberra carried out was to jam electronic systems the same way a wartime enemy would do.

The Mk17 was a rebuilt B2 version for electronic warfare. The ECM/ECW equipment was housed in the special nose-configuration and the bomb-bay.

Canberra B2, the base of the Mk17

22 Mk17 were built.

Data mainly of Canberra T Mk 17

Developing Nation: United Kingdom
First Flight(s): May 13th 1949 ( Canberra B Mk 1)
Crew: 1 or 2
Wing Span: 19,5 m
Wing: 49,20 m²
Length: 19,95 m
Weight empty: 10070 Kg.
Weight Max. Load: 20865 Kg.
Engine (s): 2 Rolls Royce Avon 206 turbojets with 4990 Kg. thrust. each.
Max. Speed: 871 Kph.
Max. Height: 14630 Km
Max. Range: 5842 Km with max. fuel.
Weapons: none

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