Dassault Super Etendard

Dassault Super Etendard 61 French Navy

The Super-Etendard is an attack aircraft by Dassault Aviation; it was developed to operate from the French navy’s aircraft carriers in the 1970’s.

The Etendard is/was operational with the French and Argentinean Navy and some flew for the Iraqi air force in the conflict with Iran in the 80’s.

The French ?tendard are capable to drop the Nuclear Air Sol Moyenne Portee missile, the export versions do not have this option.

The last Etendard in the French Navy will be phased out by 2010; they will be replaced by the new Dassault Rafale M.

Etendard in action:

The Argentinean Etendards were successful against the British Navy in the Falkland War, sinking 2 ships with Exocet missiles and badly damaging a third.

In the Iraq-Iran war 5 Etendards with Exocets of the Iraqi air force operated successfully against Iranian tankers in the Gulf.

The last version of the Dassault Etendard (SEM) joined NATO in operations above Kosovo, and with Operation Enduring Freedom.

Developing Nation: France
Task: Carrier strike Fighter
First Flight: – Etendard IV: July 24th 1956- Etendard IVM: October 28th 1974 (Super Etendard prototype)
First Delivery: 1977
Crew: 1
Wing Span: 9.60 m
Wing Area: 28.4 m²
Length: 14.31 m
Height: 3.86 m
Engine (s): SNECMA Atar 8K-50 turbojet (49.0kN) 1x
Weight: 6910 kg
Max.Take off weight: 12000 kg
Max. Speed: 1180 km/h
Max. Range: Combat radius with one Exocet and two drop-tanks: 910 km
Service ceiling: 13500 m
Weapons: – Two internal 30 mm DEFA cannons- up to 4500 kg of weaponry on two under fuselage, and four underwing hardpoints. Rocket pods, bombs, laser guided bombs, Magic AAM’s, one Exocet or one ASMP stand-off nuclear missile

Countries that use(d) the Super Etendard:

Iraq: 5
France:  71
Argentina:  11

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