Extra 230

Extra 200 D-EXTT
Extra 200 D-EXTT

The original wooden wing Extra 230 was designed by company founder Walter Extra to meet the requirements of competition pilots with the Swiss Aero Club. First flight occurred during 1983. Unusually for an aircraft of its type the Extra 230 features a wooden wing with Dacron covering, while as on other aerobatic competition aircraft the 230’s wing has 0° incidence for sustained inverted flight. Production ceased in 1990 when Extra was experiencing difficulties in sourcing the correct type of wood.

Developing nation: Germany
Manufacturer/designer: Walter Extra.
Production line: Flugplatz Schwarze Heide.
Type aircraft: unlimited aerobatic competition aircraft.
First flight: 1983.
Cockpit: one pilot.
Wing span 7,40 m.
Wing area:
Fuselage length: 5,82 m.
Height: 1,73 m.
Engines: one Textron Lycoming AEIO360 flat four piston engine rated 150 kW.
Propeller: two blade c/s Mühlbauer propeller.
Weight: 440 Kg.
Max. take off weight: 560 Kg.
Cruise speed:
Max. speed: 352 km/h.
Max rate of roll:
G-limits: + 10/-10 g.

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