Sukhois PAK-FA or T-50 is started taxi trials in December 2009 and first flight 29 January 2010. Designed by Sukhoi and built by the companys Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aviation Plant, the T-50 prototype flew for 47 minutes and landed on the plants airfield.
According to Sukhoi, the fighter Russias first all-new warplane since the collapse of the Soviet Union ? has new avionics systems, a phased-array radar, and equipment to exchange information with both ground command-and-control systems and other aircraft in an air warfare group.
The sophisticated control systems allow a pilot to concentrate on tactical tasks, while use of composite materials, the aerodynamic design of the body and measures taken to decrease the visibility of the aircraft engine provide for unprecedented low radio, optical and infrared visibility.
The PAK-FA development is still classified, so images of the stealthy fighter are expected to appear only after the first flight. Delivery to VVS (Russian Air Force) planned for 2015 as Russias basic front-line fighter.
Estimated Performance:
Dimensions (m):
– wing 14,2; S=78,8 m2
– length 22
– height 6,05
Weight (kg):
– max 37000
– normal 26000
– empty 18500
Fuel (kg): 10300
Combat load (kg):
– max 7500
– AA max 2260 conformal
Speed (km/h):
– max 2100; M2,0;
– rate of climb 350 m/s
– min 0 OVT
– cruise 1300
Alt (m): 20000
Flight range (km): 4000/5500 (2?2000kg)
– supersonic 2500
Runway (m): 350 (w/o OVT)
G-force (g): 10-11
EPR: 0,05 m2
Wing overload (kg/m2):
– max 470
– normal 330
Thrust-to-weight ratio:
– max 0,84
– normal 1,19
Fuel rate: 2,55 kg/km
Flight time: 3,3 h
Engine: AL-41F
– thrust 2 x 15500/2 x 9800
– compressor: diameter 932mm, 3 steps
– weight 1350 kg
– pressure increase 4,2-4,5
– life time 4000 hours
– overhaul life 1500 hours
– nozzle:
weight: 380 kg
deviation angle +-16 deg in any direction, +-20 deg flat
deviation speed: 60 deg/sec
Freq: 3mm
Diameter: 0,7m
Targets: 32 (8)
Range: 400 km; EPR 3 m2: 160 km; azimut +-70 deg; 90/-50 deg
Power: 4000 Wt
Weight: 65-80 kg
Armament: 2 x 30mm gun
Hardpoints: 8 (conf.), 2*4
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