Blackburn Buccaneer

Buccaneer S.2B at the Duxford Museum. Wings folded

When designing this impressive aircraft, the goal was to build a transonic fighter that had to function according to the NA.39 specifications at low altitude. The plane was designed with a ‘Boundary layer control system’ for wings and tail, and a ‘Area ruled’ hull, a large weapons-bay with a rotating hatch that had to carry the most important weapons, and a vertically split tail-cone that would be able to unfold in order to create a large air-break.

The prototype was the first of 20 pre-production aircraft and flew for the first time in April 1958 with two de Havilland Gyron Junior DGJ.1 Turbojets with 31,50 kN thrust. 40 Buccaneers S.Mk 1 were ordered with the Gyron Junior 101 engine. (31,95 kN) and they came in use in July 1962. To resolve the ‘Low power’ problem of the S.Mk 1, the 84 Buccaneers S.Mk 2 were fitted with the Rolls-Royce Spey Mk 101 turbofan (50,40 kN) and with this new engine the buccaneers performance improved a lot.

The Royal Navy received the first Buccaneer in October 1965. The type had a greater range as the S.Mk 1 and was able to refuel in flight.

The Buccaneer S.Mk 50 was bought by South Africa fitted with a Bristol Siddeley Stentor Rocket engine (36 kN) for a much improved ‘Hot and High Start’.

With the end of the big Navy Aircraft Carriers in 1969 about 70 S.Mk 2‘s were re-stationed with the Buccaneers S.Mk 2A of the RAF.

Modernized Buccaneers with Martel ASM systems were marked ‘Buccaneer S.Mk 2B‘ and to this specification another 43 New Buccaneers were ordered. The Aircraft was improved for use well into the Nineties.

Blackburn Buccaneer S.Mk 2
Developing Nation: United Kingdom
First Flight: April 1958
First Delivery:
Crew: 2
Ejection seat:
Wing Span: 13,41 m
Wing Area: 47,82 m²
Length: 19,33 m
Engine (s): Rolls Royce Spey Mk101 turbofans 49,95 kN (2x)
Weight: 13517 kg.
Max.Take off weight: 28123 kg.
Max. Speed: 1040 km/h (Mach 0,85) at 75 m
Max. Height: 12192 m
Max. Range: 1738 Km (with full war-load)
Weapons: Max. 3175 kg. weaponry.
-Internally: 1815 kg.
-Under the wings Martel or Sea Eagle anti-ship missiles.


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