Capable of landing and taking off from short rugged airstrips, combined with enormous freight capabilities the Antonov An-22 was a revolution when it took off for the first time in 1965.
Today it is still the largest flying turboprop aircraft. In 1965 it was the largest aircraft around untill the American C-5 Galaxy and later the An-124 were built.
The An-22 was in use by the Soviet air force and with Aeroflot, today (2008) there is one An-22 flying?with Antonov Airlines used as a cargo plane.
Developing Nation: | Ukraine |
First Flight: | February 27th 1965 |
Crew: | Up to five in flight crew, 2 Pilots, 1 navigator, 1 flight engineer and 1 Communications specialist |
Wing Span: | 64,49 m |
Wing Area: | 345 m² |
Length: | 57,92 m |
Height: | 12,53 m |
Engine(s): | 4x Kuznetsov (now Kuibyshev) NK-12MA turboprops driving eight blade counter rotating propellers |
Weight: | 114000 kg |
Max. Take off weight: | 250000 kg |
Max. Speed: | 740 km/h |
Operating altitude: | 7000 m |
Max. Range: | 5000 km (with max. payload) |
Extra: | The An-22 is by far the largest turboprop aircraft in the world, around 70 were build of witch 50 were flying in Aerophlot colors. At the moment a few dozen are still in commercial and military service. (2008) |
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