Velox Revolution 1

Hungarian Peter Besenyei with a Velox revolution 1 N131SB

Velox Revolution utilizing the latest in high tech composites. The Velox, a mid-size all composite aerobatic aircraft utilizing carbon fiber and Kevlar, produces the highest power to weight ratio of any existing aerobatic mono-plane.

Velox Revolution kits are one of the easiest kits to build and take about 1.100 hours to build. The Revolution kit sells for $69,900. Building assistance is available and recommended.

Developing nation: United States of America
Manufacturer/designer: Velox Aviation Inc.
Production line: Stuart Florida.
Type aircraft: home built mid-sized competition aircraft kit.
First flight: .
Cockpit: one seat.
Wing span 7,47 m.
Wing area: 9,47 m².
Fuselage length: 6,55 m.
Height:  m.
Engines: one  rated 310 KW.
Weight: 540 Kg.
Fuel: 75 liters.
Max. take off weight:  Kg.
Cruise speed:  km/h.
Max. speed: 407 km/h.
Max rate of roll: 460 °/sec.
G-limits: -/+12 g.
Range:  km.
Performance: max. rate of climb at sea level  m per minute.
Take-off run:  m.
Red Bull Air Race Pilots Flying This Aircraft: Peter Besenyei only during training of the Red Bull
  Air Race, Abu Dhabi 2006.


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