Boeing E-3 Sentry

The E-3 Sentry is an AWACS (airborne warning and control system) platform, used to detect and monitor an enemy’s air activity and to direct fighters in engagement. AWACS operates as a mobile, airborne command, control, communications and intelligence headquarters, capable of high or low level surveillance.

The E-3 aircraft is a version of the Boeing 707-320B Airliner, first flight July 15, 1954.

The prototype of the AWACS series the EC-137D (71-1407) flew on February 5, 1972. The first E-3A Sentry (73-1675) made its maiden flight on October 31, 1975, and the first operational E-3A was delivered to the 552nd AWC wing at Tinker AFB, Oklahoma on March 24, 1977.

The E-3C Sentry carrying a crew of 20 consisting of pilot (aircraft commander), co-pilot, navigator, flight engineer and 16 AWACS mission specialists. The rear-cabin crew is under a mission crew commander, and includes weapon controllers, radar operators and communications specialists.


Developing Nation: United States
First Flight: – July 15th 1954 (Boeing 707)- February 5th 1972 (EC-137D)- October 31st 1975 (E-3A Sentry)
First Operational: March 24th 1977
Crew: 20
Wing Span: 44,42 m
Length: 46,61 m
Height: 12,73 m
Engine (s): Pratt & Whitney TF33-P-100/100A (4x)
Weight: 77996 kg
Max.Take off weight: 147420 kg
Max. Speed: 853 km/h
Max. Range: Radius 6 hour patrol without refueling 1609 km, Endurance without refueling more than 11 hours
Rotodome: – Diameter: 9,14 m- Height: 1,83 m- Weight: 1540 kg
Radar: – Westinghouse AN/APY-1/2 multi-mode surveillance radar, rotating at 6 rpm
E-3 Sentry operators:
USAF, NATO, Saudi Arabia, RAF, France – 34 E-3C- 18 E-3C- 13 KE-3A- 7 E-3D- 4 E-3F
E-3C Sentry in action
AWACS aircraft have been involved in all combat operations since March 1979.

Photos Rob Vogelaar and Marcel van Leeuwen

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