Commencement Bay Class (16 ships)

USS Commencement Bay CVE-105

Built by: Todd (Tacoma, Portland, Willamette
Gone into service: November 27th 1944 – January 15th 1946 (USS Palau CVE-122)
Water displacement: 19250 tons (standard)26200 tons (loaded)
Length: 160,1 m. (waterline)169,9 m. (total)
With: 22,9 m.
load water-line: 8,5 m. (loaded)
Number of aircraft: Approximately 33
Flight deck: 152,8 x 24,4 m.
Arms: 2x 127 mm, 36x 40 mm (3x quatro and 12x double). 20x 20 mm Guns
Engine: Steam turbines with cog wheel transferring, 4x boilers and 2x propellers
Power: 16000 hp.
Speed: 19 knots (35,17 km/h / 21,86 mph)
Max. Fuel stock: 3300 tons
Action radius: 15740 km. at 27,79 km/h / 17,27 mph
Armoring: None
Crew: 1050


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