During a not so common free day this month I decided to give AFB Volkel a visit and try out my new Camera Gear.
For (most days) a good view on the departing aircraft a good ‘Spottersplek’ is created with a parking within 100 meters of the photo spot.
Photographing from this spot is ideal in the morning with the sun in the back and slightly to the left of the photographers.
Mostly the aircraft will taxy towards the runway and there are good oppertuneties to photograph them on the tarmac in front of you. A small zoomlens is good enough reach. The wind is coming from the south – south/west.
When the wind comes from the other side this spot will give a good view of the aircraft in takeoff. A good number of pilots will tilt their aircraft a little for the best shot. Waving pilots on your pics will be seen often.
During my visit in the morning the wind came from the North – North/East so I got the takeoff.
After 11:00 am I relocated to the other side of the runway to catch the landing waves with the sun in the back. (see other map and photo’s in the Gallery.)
Above: This is best spot in the mornings.
Below: Easy spot in the afternoon for return waves in landing. (roadside parking/rest place)
Below my Photo’s from June 2nd 2021.

Photos of September 16, 2021 by Rob Vogelaar